Red Software is proud to announce version 3.0 of RAD PDF!
RAD PDF is an industry leading PDF reader, PDF editor, PDF form filler, and PDF signature interface for ASP.NET. It has been refined, version after version, since 2009. Today Red Software is excited to provide the third major version release of its tool.
This release introduces the new PdfWebControlLite class which allows RAD PDF to be used without SQL Server! While RAD PDF's SQL Server document storage is useful to many customers, maintaining a database is often undesired overhead. Using the new PdfWebControlLite, customers can use RAD PDF's built-in mechanisms or implement custom ones for RAD PDF sessions and storage.
Also by default, RAD PDF now supports ASP.NET Session State in PdfIntegrationProvider implementations. (The new PdfHttpHandlerWithoutSession class can be used to disable Session State use.)
While a major update, it is fully backwards compatible with version 2.x. There are no breaking changes in this new version and can be installed in place. The current PdfWebControl (which uses a SQL Server database) continues to offer the most functionality. It can function alongside the new PdfWebControlLite without issue.
This version is available free of charge to all RAD PDF licensees with an active RAD PDF Maintenance Plan.
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