Entries in bug fixes (2)
RAD PDF 3.35 Released

Today, Red Software updates RAD PDF, a leading ASP.NET web component & GUI for editing, form filling, signing, and viewing PDF files online. In addition to supporting the .NET Framework 3.5+, this release introduces compatibility with .NET 7 and the latest ASP.NET Core technology (while maintaining compatibility with .NET Core 2.0+).
While deploying RAD PDF to ASP.NET Core 7 is functionally the same as .NET 6, we've created a new .NET 7 sample on GitHub.
This version includes a number of minor bug fixes, including the service status indicator flickering in the Admin Tool.
This update is available free of charge to customers with an active Maintenance Plan.
PDFescape Improvements

UPDATE: Red Software is no longer affiliated with PDFescape, but these features are still available in our RAD PDF technology. Edit your PDF with our online implementation, free of charge!
Red Software would like to thank all of the avid users of its free PDF editor and PDF form filler, PDFescape, who continue to report issues, big and small! Your continued feedback has helped us roll out a number of improvements and tweaks to our free PDF editing service.
Two of the more notable improvements are:
- New on the fly corrupt PDF repairs. Web services don't usually brag about compatibly, but because the PDF specification is so complex and implemented in so many various ways, even Adobe struggles with some PDF files. We're proud to be able to say that with these improvements, testing has shown that over 99.9% of documents users attempt to view, should open without issue.
- Improved PDF form field filling. PDFescape has supported field tabbing for some time, but now checkbox, radio, dropdown, and list form fields can be tabbed to and controlled from your keyboard (use space-bar to toggle a checkbox and your arrow keys to select an option from a dropdown or list).
Thank you for your continued help making PDFescape the most complete, reliable, and free PDF editor available!