tagged ASP.NET, JavaScript, MVC, PDF annotations, WebForms, pdf, pdf forms in Announcements, RAD PDF
RAD PDF 3.33 Released
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 9:00AM
Red Software is excited to announce RAD PDF 3.33, the universal PDF editing GUI / WebControl for ASP.NET (including 3.5, 4.x, Core, 5, 6, etc). This update to the PDF editor / PDF form filler / PDF signer / PDF reader includes a number of important improvements, including a CJK word-wrapping issue where text was not always wrapped properly in the PDF output.
Additionally, PDF annotation creation and modification date is now automatically updated and support added for more named menu actions used by PDF buttons and scripts.
This release is available free of charge to customers with an active Maintenance plan.
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