Entries in ASP.NET Core (20)
RAD PDF 3.22 Released
Red Software is excited to release RAD PDF 3.22, the ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET 5 Web Control for reading, printing, editing, filling, signing, and more with PDF files in almost any web browser!
This latest version allows RAD PDF to be deployed with server side page rendering, but without the RAD PDF System Service. This allows for tighter PDF file protection and faster rendering of large files when deploying / developing using our nuget for a single instance. Implementations are now a breeze when using Azure App Services, ASP.NET 5, and similar environments.
With ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET 5, RAD PDF can now be configured to not use the RAD PDF System Service with a single line of code in a Setup.cs class:
app.UseRadPdf(new RadPdfCoreMiddlewareSettings() { UseService = false });
This UseService=false can also be used in the .NET Framework or .NET Core integration provider. HttpHandler rendering can be disabled by setting AllowHttpHandlerRendering=false.
This update is available free of charge to customers with an active Maintenance Plan.
RAD PDF 3.21 Released
Red Software is happy to announce RAD PDF 3.21, the ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core Web Control for PDF editing, PDF form filling, PDF signing and more! This release includes PDF rendering efficiency improvements (especially for large files) and other enhancements.
The Client API now includes a new .reload() method allowing for a document to be loaded fresh from the server via JavaScript. Additional this version fixes RTL issues with combo box form fields, unnecessary DOM shifts, and more.
This update is available free of charge to customers with an active Maintenance Plan.
RAD PDF 3.20.5 Released
Today, Red Software announces an update to its ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core / ASP.NET 5 web component RAD PDF, a leading PDF editing, PDF form filling, and PDF signing GUI. This release focuses on minor improvements as well as number of bug fixes.
The new RadPdfPdfProcessingParserException class, allows for distinction from internal exceptions when processing PDF files that may be corrupt or malformed.
This update is available free of charge to customers with an active Maintenance Plan.
RAD PDF 3.18 Released
Red Software is proud to announce version 3.18 of the ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core Web Control for reading, printing, editing, filling, and signing PDF files, RAD PDF! This release focuses on making the objects in RAD PDF easier to create and work with. PdfObjects can now be created via their own constructors and PdfFields each support a Value property allowing for the easy importing and exporting of form data.
A new Client API "objectKeypress" event has been added, allowing for RAD PDF implementations to limit user input for each keystroke (e.g. limit a field to numeric input only).
Additionally, this new version includes a rendering bug fix, our nuget now includes a BETA implementation for ASP.NET Core on Linux, and other minor improvements.
This update is available free of charge to customers with an active Maintenance Plan.
RAD PDF 3.16 Released
Red Software is proud to announce version version 3.16 of the ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core Web Control for reading, printing, editing, filling, signing, and now certifying PDF files, RAD PDF!
This latest release includes the ability to certify documents by digitally signing them with RSA / X.509 certificates. Utilizing asymmetric (public-key) cryptography, this allows third parties to detect changes made to the document after saving it by verifying a digital "signature" (in supported PDF viewers). The new CertifyUsing property can be used to select a PKCS #12 certificate file or other X.509 certificate (with a private key) which will be used to "sign" the PDF output. You can also use the new PdfTimeStamper to add a time stamp when certifying the document.
Additionally, this new version includes undo improvements, improved exception messaging, and other minor improvements.
This update is available free of charge to customers with an active Maintenance Plan.