Entries in EXIF (2)
RAD PDF 3.41 Released

Red Software is proud to announce RAD PDF 3.41, the newest version of its ASP.NET WebControl for PDF viewing, form filling, editing, redacting, signing, protecting, and more. Integrating PDF files and forms into any ASP.NET website has never been easier. With numerous mobile improvements, RAD PDF continues to be one of the most widely compatible PDF solutions. On touch devices, long press (e.g. press and hold) can be used to activate the PDF editing context menu / right click menu.
Additionally, this new release allows for new object upload customizations / integrations. The ObjectDataAddingEventArgs.Data property is now settable, enabling server side image processing of uploaded content (e.g. resizing, watermarks, etc). It also includes a new ObjectDataAddingEventArgs.ApplyExifOrientation property, allowing for RAD PDF to process the EXIF (Exchangeable image file format) tags of an image, specifically the orientation. If ApplyExifOrientation is set to true, the encoded orientation will also be the default image orientation on screen for a user. In many cases, this may be more what is "expected".
This update is available free of charge to all customers with an active Maintenance Plan.
RAD PDF 3.38 Released

Red Software is excited to announce RAD PDF 3.38, the newest release of its ASP.NET GUI / WebControl for PDF reading, PDF form filling, PDF editing, PDF signing, securing PDF content, and more. The published NuGet now includes binaries for Windows arm64 (along with x86, x64, and Linux binaries). RAD PDF is one of the most widely compatible PDF tools on the market, with support for MVC, WebForms, Razor, Framework, Core, and more. Our browser support is unparalleled, supporting everything from Internet Explorer to the latest release of Google Chrome & iOS Safari!
This new version includes a number of important bug fixes, including a fix for a problem with images uploaded containing EXIF data. If the EXIF data contained a default rotation, some browsers could display images on screen in one orientation, but then in a different orientation in the output PDF. The viewer (like the output PDF) now displays images without any EXIF rotation.
This update is available free of charge to all customers with an active Maintenance Plan.